Buddhism · Dharma Teachings · Logic · Podcast

Karma and the Mind

Review materialist arguments for mind. Review Dharmakirti’s refutation. Review logical proof for past and future lives. How mind and matter co-exist. The twelve stages of how our mind creates our reality, beginning with ignorance, up to the cause of death and rebirth. Scare off half the class. Download Karma and the Mind handout Taught by… Continue reading Karma and the Mind

Buddhism · Dharma Teachings · Logic · Podcast

Proof of Future Lives

Discovering the cause of “mind”. Materialist arguments for mind. Buddhist arguments for mind. Defining a material cause,. Using deduction to prove past and future lives. Download the Proofs of Buddhahood handout Taught by Mojohito Tchudi in Chico, California on July 13th, 2017. To subscribe to the podcast of these recordings, put this link in your… Continue reading Proof of Future Lives

Buddhism · Dharma Teachings · Logic · Podcast

The Proofs of Buddhahood

Reverse engineering enlightened beings with logic. What is meant by omniscience? How buddhas perceive space and time. Methods for determining that buddhas have valid perception all the time. Interpreting whether the Buddha meant something literally or figuratively. Flaws in the logic for determining the origin of the universe. The logical absurdity of a first cause… Continue reading The Proofs of Buddhahood

Buddhism · Dharma Teachings · Logic · Perception · Podcast

Analyzing Valid Perception

How do we know if what we perceive is correct or not? Do our senses really give us accurate information about objective reality? The importance of logic in buddhism: the key to understanding Emptiness. Defining valid perception. Two types of perception and what they perceive. Levels of reality: evident, hidden, and deeply hidden. Download the Analyzing… Continue reading Analyzing Valid Perception