Ayurveda · Healing · Nutrition · Podcast

Yogic Nutrition Part 1: The Five Great Elements of Nature

The five universal elements of nature. “Space” (Sanskrit: ākāśa) as field of consciousness. How solar energy drives life on Earth. Guided meditation on the interconnectedness of nature through the five elements. Taught by Mojohito Tchudi in Cambria, California on July, 29, 2018. To subscribe to the podcast of these recordings, put this link in your… Continue reading Yogic Nutrition Part 1: The Five Great Elements of Nature

Applied Meditation · Ayurveda · Healing · Podcast

Herbal Meditation Allies

Stages of herbal healing in Ayurveda. Defining rasayana, the path of soma, amrit, nectar. Entheogens, spiritual use of herbs. Defining adaptogen, improving vitality with herbs. Taught by Mojohito Tchudi in Cambria, California on July 30, 2017. To subscribe to the podcast of these recordings, put this link in your favorite podcast app: https://mojohito.com/feed/podcast/