Buddhism · Buddhist Refuge · Dharma Teachings · Podcast · The Principal Teachings of Buddhism

The Vows of Ethical Conduct

Taking the first steps on the Buddhist path: refuge and ethics. Briefly review refuge in the Three Jewels: Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. Overview of causality. Material causes, immediate causes, causes vs. conditions. Relationship between karma and ethics. The power of formally vowing to live ethically. Two stages of vows: freedom vows and bodhisattva vows. Review… Continue reading The Vows of Ethical Conduct

Buddhism · Dharma Teachings · Podcast · The Principal Teachings of Buddhism

Hacking Reality

Deceptive reality vs. ultimate reality. Three different views of interdependence. What no-self does and does not mean. Relationship between causality and emptiness. Applying emptiness in your daily life Taught by Mojohito von Tchudi in Chico, California on June 9th, 2016. To subscribe to the podcast of these recordings, put this link in your favorite podcast app: https://mojohito.com/feed/podcast/

Buddhism · Dharma Teachings · Podcast · The Principal Teachings of Buddhism

Compassion Matters

Discussing why compassion is necessary to become an enlightened being. Defining what it means to have Bodhcitta and become a Bodhisattva. The benefits of developing the wish to become enlightened. Describing the seven step method to develop unlimited compassion. Taught by Mojohito von Tchudi in Chico, California on May 12th, 2016. To subscribe to the podcast of… Continue reading Compassion Matters

Buddhism · Dharma Teachings · Podcast · The Principal Teachings of Buddhism · Uncategorized

You Have to Want to Escape

Why to get serious about a spiritual life. Defining samsara, the cycle of rebirth. The relationship between having compassion for yourself, and having compassion for others. Discussion of why even the seemingly good things of life in fact bring suffering, Review the four principals of karma. Discussion of karma as seeds, and as momentum. How to develop spiritual motivation before you get… Continue reading You Have to Want to Escape

Buddhism · Dharma Teachings · Podcast · The Principal Teachings of Buddhism

The Meaning of Renunciation

The meaning of Renunciation. Meditations to develop renunciation. Review the “Eight Worldly Thoughts”. Review the four principals of karma. Taught by Mojohito von Tchudi in Chico, California on March 10th, 2016. To subscribe to the podcast of these recordings, put this link in your favorite podcast app: https://mojohito.com/feed/podcast/

Buddhism · Dharma Teachings · Podcast · The Principal Teachings of Buddhism

The Three Principal Paths

Introduction to the Tibetan Buddhist enlightenment engine: the Lam Rim. Overview of the path and the goal of buddhist practice. Review the qualities of a good teacher. a good student, and a good teaching. Taught by Mojohito Tchudi in Grass Valley, California on March 8th, 2016. To subscribe to the podcast of these recordings, put… Continue reading The Three Principal Paths