Buddhism · Commentary · Dharma Teachings · Heart Sutra · Perception · Podcast

Decoding the Heart Sutra — part 2

The Heart Sutra is the most recited, copied, and studied text in all schools of Mahayana Buddhism. It reviews the foundations of Buddhist philosophy while revealing the profound Perfection of Wisdom: the doctrine of emptiness. In this class series, we will study the Sutra in Sanskrit, discuss the key philosophical points of Buddhism, and reveal… Continue reading Decoding the Heart Sutra — part 2

Buddhism · Commentary · Dharma Teachings · Heart Sutra · Perception · Podcast

Decoding the Heart Sutra — part 1

The Heart Sutra is the most recited, copied, and studied text in all schools of Mahayana Buddhism. It reviews the foundations of Buddhist philosophy while revealing the profound Perfection of Wisdom: the doctrine of emptiness. In this class series, we will study the Sutra in Sanskrit, discuss the key philosophical points of Buddhism, and reveal… Continue reading Decoding the Heart Sutra — part 1

Ayurveda · Healing · Podcast

Yogic Nutrition Part 3: Balancing the Doshas

Principles of balancing the humors (Sanskrit: dośa, dosha). Using food and herbs for preventative medicine. How to balance yourself with common herbal teas. Taught by Mojohito Tchudi in Cambria, California on July, 29, 2018. To subscribe to the podcast of these recordings, put this link in your favorite podcast app: https://mojohito.com/feed/podcast/ https://mojohito.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Yogic-Nutrition-Intro-to-Ayurveda-Part-3-mojohito.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | Download… Continue reading Yogic Nutrition Part 3: Balancing the Doshas

Ayurveda · Healing · Podcast

Yogic Nutrition Part 2: The Five Elements and Three Doshas

How the five elements combine in living beings. Descriptions of the biological humors (Sanskrit: dośa, dosha). How to recognize the doshas as they manifest in life. Taught by Mojohito Tchudi in Cambria, California on July, 29, 2018. To subscribe to the podcast of these recordings, put this link in your favorite podcast app: https://mojohito.com/feed/podcast/ https://mojohito.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Yogic-Nutrition-Intro-to-Ayurveda-Part-2-mojohito.mp3Podcast: Play in… Continue reading Yogic Nutrition Part 2: The Five Elements and Three Doshas

Ayurveda · Healing · Nutrition · Podcast

Yogic Nutrition Part 1: The Five Great Elements of Nature

The five universal elements of nature. “Space” (Sanskrit: ākāśa) as field of consciousness. How solar energy drives life on Earth. Guided meditation on the interconnectedness of nature through the five elements. Taught by Mojohito Tchudi in Cambria, California on July, 29, 2018. To subscribe to the podcast of these recordings, put this link in your… Continue reading Yogic Nutrition Part 1: The Five Great Elements of Nature

Applied Meditation · Ayurveda · Healing · Podcast

Herbal Meditation Allies

Stages of herbal healing in Ayurveda. Defining rasayana, the path of soma, amrit, nectar. Entheogens, spiritual use of herbs. Defining adaptogen, improving vitality with herbs. Taught by Mojohito Tchudi in Cambria, California on July 30, 2017. To subscribe to the podcast of these recordings, put this link in your favorite podcast app: https://mojohito.com/feed/podcast/ https://mojohito.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Herbal-Meditation-Allies-podcast-Mojohito-von-Tchudi-Enlightened-Experience-2017.mp3Podcast: Play in new… Continue reading Herbal Meditation Allies

Buddhism · Buddhist Refuge · Dharma Teachings · Podcast · The Principal Teachings of Buddhism

The Vows of Ethical Conduct

Taking the first steps on the Buddhist path: refuge and ethics. Briefly review refuge in the Three Jewels: Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. Overview of causality. Material causes, immediate causes, causes vs. conditions. Relationship between karma and ethics. The power of formally vowing to live ethically. Two stages of vows: freedom vows and bodhisattva vows. Review… Continue reading The Vows of Ethical Conduct

Buddhism · Dharma Teachings · Logic · Podcast

Karma and the Mind

Review materialist arguments for mind. Review Dharmakirti’s refutation. Review logical proof for past and future lives. How mind and matter co-exist. The twelve stages of how our mind creates our reality, beginning with ignorance, up to the cause of death and rebirth. Scare off half the class. Download Karma and the Mind handout Taught by… Continue reading Karma and the Mind

Buddhism · Dharma Teachings · Logic · Podcast

Proof of Future Lives

Discovering the cause of “mind”. Materialist arguments for mind. Buddhist arguments for mind. Defining a material cause,. Using deduction to prove past and future lives. Download the Proofs of Buddhahood handout Taught by Mojohito Tchudi in Chico, California on July 13th, 2017. To subscribe to the podcast of these recordings, put this link in your… Continue reading Proof of Future Lives

Buddhism · Dharma Teachings · Logic · Podcast

The Proofs of Buddhahood

Reverse engineering enlightened beings with logic. What is meant by omniscience? How buddhas perceive space and time. Methods for determining that buddhas have valid perception all the time. Interpreting whether the Buddha meant something literally or figuratively. Flaws in the logic for determining the origin of the universe. The logical absurdity of a first cause… Continue reading The Proofs of Buddhahood